JB Pritzker Releases Five-Point Plan to Resist Trump

Slams Rauner and Trump in Speech with Rep. Gutiérrez in Front of Trump Tower

Chicago, IL — In a major speech in front of Trump Tower today, JB Pritzker unveiled a five-point plan to resist Trump as Illinois’ next governor. JB was joined by Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, a fierce advocate for Illinois families and leader of the resistance in Washington. Read the full plan here.

JB’s proposal, which lays out how a governor can stand up to Donald Trump on several fronts, follows six tumultuous months of the Trump presidency that has threatened the livelihood of the people of Illinois — all while failed governor Bruce Rauner has remained silent. Unlike Rauner, JB has a plan to protect the people of Illinois from Donald Trump’s disastrous agenda:

  • PROTECTING HEALTH CARE: JB will work to expand access to care, increase patient choice, and keep costs down by providing a public option health insurance plan. JB will also sign HB 40 into law and defend women’s health and the right to choose.
  • FUNDING EDUCATION: JB will invest in a public education system — from early childhood through higher education — that improves the well-being of every child and prepares them for the jobs of tomorrow. He will also oppose school vouchers and charter school expansion.
  • RESTORING OUR ENVIRONMENT: JB will ensure Illinois upholds the Paris Climate Agreement, expand clean energy production, and invest in green jobs. JB will also fully fund Illinois conservation programs and fight to maintain full funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
  • FIGHTING FOR IMMIGRATION REFORM: JB will enhance funding for immigrant and refugee services, increase health care options for undocumented adults, improve the U-Visa certification process for victims of violent crimes, provide access to financial aid for undocumented students, and oppose a federal registry program based on race, religion, and country of origin. He will also sign the Illinois Trust Act.
  • STANDING UP TO INTOLERANCE: JB will expand access to capital for small business job growth in underserved communities, fully fund after-school and anti-violence programs, and declare that transgender individuals are welcome to serve their state as state troopers. He will also stand against LGBT bullying and intolerance in our schools.

“Six months ago, President Donald Trump took office and immediately began assaulting the state of Illinois. Since then, we have seen a resistance and a grassroots movement take hold in this country that is unlike anything I’ve seen in my lifetime,” said JB Pritzker. “It’s the resistance movement that flooded phone lines and town halls and beat back attempts to dismantle the ACA, and it’s the reason we will win in 2018 and defeat Donald Trump in 2020. I’m proud to be a part of this movement. I’m proud to stand with people across our state to fight for our progressive values and to tell Donald Trump that he may have won the election, but this is still our country, and his values are never going to win.

“With our country in turmoil, our state needs a real leader, but Bruce Rauner is asleep at the wheel. This failed governor remains silent in the face of the harmful, hateful, and downright horrifying agenda that Donald Trump is trying to force on Illinois families. When I am governor, we’re not going to be silent like Bruce Rauner. We’re going to make this state a firewall against Donald Trump. With community leaders and families across this state – we are going to resist every single day.”

Read the full plan here.



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